
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dear Tsuki

Dear Tsuki, I used to be afraid of attachments, Yet, here I am, clinging to a delicate tether that binds me to you. Dear Tsuki, I used to dream of being independent, Yet, here I am, finding solace leaning on you for my daily dose of happiness. Dear Tsuki, I used to fight to be free, Yet, here I am, surrendering and cherishing every moment as if it were a sacred offering. Dear Tsuki, I used to wish to be strong, Yet, here I am, weaving my joys into the tapestry of your moonlight, Strength found not in solitude but in the shared glow of our moments. LWINT

Survivor's guilt

Yeah, we are all familiar with that nasty feeling of being a survivor in dire chaos. Leave alone the countrywide turmoil; even being a comparatively successful one amongst your relatives could give you extra burdens and responsibilities. Since my country fell into the military regime in 2021, almost every friend of mine has been rebelling against the brutal oppressions of the junta. Some abandoned their lifelong dreams; some have lost their families; some are now missing body parts; some lost their dignities, and some were traumatized beyond repair. Plus, some are not even alive now, and worse, some are now nowhere to be found without a trace. Amidst all these chaotic conflicts and sacrifices, I am still clinging to a fairly-paid job with an excuse to provide for my family, making lame justifications of supporting the revolution regularly despite knowing that I could contribute more. One friend who threw away his successful business and joined the revolutionary force once said, 'It...

One step at a time

All those fancy topics we used to discuss like "imposter syndrome," "mid-life crisis, blah blah" could never hit harder than an actual incident, directly slamming at our faces, no matter how small it may be. Despite reminding ourselves how everybody on earth operates with their own clock rhythm, suppressing the insecurities we acquire from comparing our achievements and failures with others, there comes a time when we want to smash our own clocks for being so incompetent. We often say, "Slow and steady wins the race." But when things become excessively steady, we start feeling the lack of enthusiasm in our daily lives. Our run-of-the-mill tasks become boring, and our daily conversations turn meaningless. What am I living for? Humanity? Society? My family? Or is it even for my very self? The moment we begin second-guessing the path we've chosen, we fall into an endless pit of despair. "Are we working to live or living to work?" I tried to pond...

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